Top 10 Salisbury Views
Whether you are a keen photographer or are looking for a romantic spot to take in the views of the city, we’ve put together our top ten views of Salisbury and the surrounding areas below. Which will be your favourites? Don’t forget to tag #visitsalisbury in your pictures on social media!
1. The views from the Tower of Salisbury Cathedral
If you don’t mind heights then a Tower Tour of Salisbury Cathedral is one of the best ways to get views of the city. Climb the 332 steps to the base of the spire and lookout across the city from above. At certain times of the year the Cathedral offer twilight tours too so you can see the city’s twinkling lights. Not only can you soak up amazing views of the Cathedral Close and further, but you will learn about the architecture of this fascinating building. Booking in advance for the Tower Tours is strongly advised.
2. Across the water meadows
Walk along the Town Path towards the Harnham area of Salisbury for beautiful views over the water meadows towards the Cathedral. This is the spot from where Constable painted his famous scene of Salisbury Cathedral. You will often find sheep grazing the fields and at certain times of the year, the Harnham Water Meadow Trust opens up the meadows to visitor.
3. Old Sarum
From the outer bailey of Old Sarum, the original site of Salisbury, your elevated position will give you outstanding views towards the city. From one aspect you are overlooking Old Sarum airfield where you can watch planes and skydivers coming in to land and from other aspects, the surrounding countryside.
4. The Woodford Valley
Travel out north of Salisbury, towards Amesbury on the back roads and you’ll be heading into the Woodford Valley. The Woodford Valley is great for pretty villages with thatched cottages and beautiful views over the Avon valley. Take the walk up the steps (be aware, it is quite steep in places) at the Devenish nature reserve (owned by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust) for panoramic views across the landscape.
5. Bishopdown
Download a copy of the Salisbury & Wilton Walking Map and walk up to the Bishopdown area of Salisbury. Here you can look across to not only the Cathedral but also the Laverstock Downs.
6. Salisbury Racecourse
The elevated position of Salisbury Racecourse lends itself perfectly for views across to Salisbury Cathedral and the surrounding countryside.
7. Pepperbox Hill
Just off the A36, towards Southampton you’ll find Pepperbox Hill. The land here is owned by the National Trust and you can see for miles from the top here. A popular spot with local dog walkers, Pepperbox Hill is a haven for wildlife too, with butterflies, orchids and more.
8. Culver Street Car Park
An unusual one you may think however go to the top floor of this city centre car park and you’ll see what we mean! You will get great views of Salisbury Cathedral at sunset from here.
9. The garden of Arundells
From the garden of Arundells, in the Cathedral Close you can enjoy views looking up the garden with the back of Arundells house and the Cathedral spire or face the other way and look out towards the River Avon and the Queen Elizabeth Gardens. A tranquil spot in the heart of the city.
10. Harnham Slope
From Harnham Slope, on the southern outskirts of Salisbury, you will find a woodland area criss-crossed with footpaths and some great views across to Salisbury Cathedral.
For other suggestions of outstanding Salisbury views, get in touch with the team at the Salisbury Information Centre on Fish Row.